Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Beginning ...

Those of you who know me, know why I started this blog. For those of you who do not, it will soon be clear as you read my entries.

Since I sent out my initial e-mail on Thursday, I have been touched by and grateful for the responses to it.

The phrase "you go girl!" will echo in my head frequently now as a supportive mantra!

Note: I just did a huge edit on this post, and decided to end it as I did above - sums up the beginning of all this pretty accurately.

A journey such as this isn't embarked upon without a great deal of self-reflection. As a writer - I decided this is going to ask me to find value in brevity; until I start writing the book. My passion for things in life shows up in my writing sometimes as excess. To be effective here, I need to curb that tendancy.

Since I'm fond of quotes (ironically because they tend to sum things up so nicely in few words!), let me offer this one as what will hopefully be my guide through all this. Don't know who to credit for it unfortunately:

"As a beautiful flower that is full of hue but lacks fragrance, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who does not practice it."

Time to go practice my words....


  1. Very inspiring....

  2. I met you at the CPSGTG in SD. We chatted as we walked back to the air field from the Wall drug store.I was impressed with how you got along with everyone. I wish you the best on theis trip and look forward to reading your blogs.

    Ray from South carolina
